Butterfly Sparks Designs
Showing posts with label weddings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weddings. Show all posts


all good things begin with coffee . . . Denton, TX . Cuero, TX . photographer

if I had a picture of coffee, I'd start this blog with that picture--because some of the best relationships happen over a cup of the good stuff. so funny how things work out . . .

my husband and I were driving into Denton (our old stomping grounds) from south Texas (where we had lived for 5 years). we were considering a move back north. about 20 min out of Denton, I received a call from a prospective client . . . a bride from our area in south Texas but currently living in Denton. wild, right?

what was even more wild is that she and her fiance, agreed to meet me and my second shooter (my handsome husband) for coffee, 30 minutes later.

coffee turned into a great afternoon. And several months later, we met back in Ft. Worth for some of this . . .

months after that? we were all back in south Texas celebrating their marriage!

I can't begin to tell you how much I like Sara and Joe and how thankful I am that this was a project {friendship} that involved both me and my husband!

wedding moments are so much sweeter when you know that the couple is extremely hard-working, that they both have HUGE hearts, and that they take care of everyone around them. 

Mr. and Mrs. Nash, we are wishing you the B E S T as you make your new life together. we were honored to be a part of this past year and are celebrating with you as you go! 
we miss you in north Texas--and know that Zera just isn't the same without you. 

let's do this y'all, 



Southern grace

There are a lot of things that I love about sweet Angie...
But mostly I love her grace... an elegant yet simple, thoughtful, old-fashioned  grace that makes her beautiful. The first time we met, she sat in my office and we quickly strayed from wedding talk to really important things like hair-braiding, gardening, and cooking. If it wouldn't have been awkward, I would have made her hang out with me all day and teach me how to crochet right there. But I let her leave, satisfied I would be getting to know her better along the way.

She and Logan's wedding was such a reflection of that same, genuine grace. 

Angie was stunning-
Logan... so handsome-

and together, 
well, it was perfect. 
I'm not sure if I teared up more when her daddy called her, "His best cowgirl," 

Or if it was just watching these two become man and wife. 
The truth is, I was honored to be a part of all of these special moments. Thank you both. Our deepest congratulations, 

Mr. and Mrs. Hollomon


contrast . . . by nikole, and a beautiful wedding to follow! . shiner, tX photographer

just before the wedding began, nikole, the beautiful bride, waited beyond the doors of one of the most gorgeous churches. she was taking a few, quiet moments alone and as she drifted toward the playground, I was struck.

she stood in contrast to the brightly colored, child playthings and looked out over them as if in deep thought.
what symbolism...
the bride, preparing for her groom, for her role as wife, for fulfilling a vow of sacred "oneness"...

and this was probably a moment she imagined long before she had the dress and the beautiful bouquet, long before when she was a child herself, playing with brightly colored things, led only by her imagination.

i think it's those moments we remember on the big days that fly by in a blur. 
in the same way, i wonder about her handsome groom. as he waited... 

the moments just before it all begins, moments swelling with emotion--

those are my favorites.

and with the walk of an aisle, a new life begins!

nikole and bart...we loved celebrating this day, and all that it meant, with you!

and to Shiner, TX--one of our favorite little cities--thanks for hosting this Alaska-San Antonio party...it's always good to see you.

let's do this y'all, 


the gorgeous couple . loyal doves . funny family [West Columbia, TX photographer]

a garage transformed to
this . . .

a lovely backyard gazebo turned into one of the most beautiful wedding venues I've seen...
[rentals from Performance Party]
[flowers by the flower cottage]

and two very kind people became one . . .
[just love how he's looking at her]
they were surrounded by their families for this special day and had so many beautiful moments during their ceremony. not to be outdone by the bride and groom, the doves that were released decided they rather liked their caretakers. their "stick around plan" worked. they've officially been adopted.
and did i mention funny family?  . . .

Barbara and James, the details of this day were stunning! Your family is just precious. Thank you for letting us be a part of your beautiful day. We were honored!

let's do this y'all, 



Let's define breathtaking...

Meet beautiful Robin--we met several months ago when she emailed, asking if I was willing to shoot a wedding in San Antonio.  [not necessarily friends yet] After a few conversations we were set and scheduled her engagement shots. [still not tight] But then we did this. And my Michael and I met Robin and Mike in person.  That's when we decided that, whether Robin and Mike liked it or not, we were going to be friends.  That's also the day Michael decided he thought shooting together for a career was a pretty good idea. Spending the day with them in Gruene was so. much. fun.  We couldn't WAIT for the wedding! 
But, because life is full of challenges, waiting is actually what happened.  Robin and Mike had to postpone the ceremony for an undetermined amount of time.  They handled this disappointment with so much grace and so much patience. But suddenly, nothing shy of an unexpected blessing, they were able to reschedule their wedding just over one month later in January!  We were ALL thrilled!

Just look at my buddy, Mike...so handsome! [well, he was alright...] See? We even have inside jokes ; )
There were so many sweet, unexpected moments in the day.  [including the gift Mike made and had delivered just before show time!]

Everything about their ceremony was graceful and beautiful. 

The long awaited celebration continued at the historic Faust Hotel in New Braunfels. We loved getting to meet the rest of their families and saying hi to Elise [Mike's sister] for the second time!

This was a very special event for us.  Being a small part of such a lovely story was more than an honor.  And after we deliver these pictures to Mr. and Mrs. Parma, we'll have to make up other reasons to "just be in the neighborhood" and make a trip to tell them hello! 

Mike and Robin, we sincerely wish you the best.  Thank you for allowing us to watch this part of your story unfold!  

Let's do this y'all, 
