Butterfly Sparks Designs
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts


That boy-kind-of-joy... Aubrey, TX Gonzales, TX photographer

Just tonight, with the Texans game on in the background, my boys were playing football. Or, “...practicing tackling so we can get way better. Right West?” Their league rules were something like:
  1. Hold the couch pillow “ball” and run as fast as you can into eachother’s stomachs. Grab hold of whatever you can and tackle until both of you are sprawled on the floor and laughing hysterically.
  2. Be sure to tackle dramatically. Grunt a little. Enough to make your mother and sister glad they are not boys.
  3. Occasionally check the score of the Texans game.
  4. Repeat.
Marveling at why this was fun, I was secretly so glad they have eachother. So glad that they’ll grunt, run, and knock into one another with that boy kind of joy in their eyes, Lord willing, for years to come. 

I think Natalie must know exactly what I’m talking about. Maybe even more with three handsome, little men in her midst.
You met this gorgeous lady about seven months ago when I had the privilege of photographing her third baby boy. 

Speaking of, check out this rock star. 

He and I were getting reacquainted...
when his brother showed up. Not even mildly impressed with me {exhibit a}, his brother had him in fits {exhibit b}. 
And again...

Just as it should be. 
Many years from now, even though they’re not all smiling at the camera, I’m guessing mama will love these pictures the most. Her boys. Loving with that boy kind of joy.

Thanks again, Natalie. Can't wait for more later this fall.

P.S. if you need a girl break, just let me and my baby girl know.

Let's do this y'all, 



missing this . Gonzales, TX photographer

oh i miss this . . .

i know that in "this," there are sleepless nights enough to cease normal brain function.
days that run together and slip by almost as if they weren't there.

and afternoons that go shower-less, unscrubbed. 

and if there are other children in the mix, they go un-scrubbed, sometimes undisciplined, too.

i know. i remember. 

i think.
but on my side of sleepless and un-groomed, 
those memories get lost in the admiration of 

tiny wrinkles in a wrist. 
great big yawns and sleepy stretches.

naps so sound, the heavy head outweighs the itty bitty body . . . 

the thing is, though, 
natalie is not un-groomed. in fact, she's gorgeous. did i mention this is her third baby? she wears motherhood beautifully 
and she's only encouraging my missing having a little one . . .

just look at him!

what a pleasure it was to meet you handsome, little, drew. your tearless session, your good looks, your sweet mama, and your precious little face are all responsible for my longing for another you.
now what do you have to say about that? 

let's do this y'all, 



he is named . . . TX photographer

Noah  . . . 

"Noah Amsler Beckham---born August 3rd, 2011. We chose the name Noah because in Genesis 6 it says that although the world was going through a very dark time, Noah "walked with God." That is our prayer for our son. Diane discovered the the name Noah actually means "comfort." God has brought comfort to Diane and I in our efforts to have a child, and comfort to my Mom in her sadness since the loss of my sweet sister Sara. Praise God for His faithfulness & comfort!!"

And I had the pleasure of meeting him when he was eight, brand new days old.

don't newborns take your breath away?
every inch of their tiny-ness makes you realize there is something so much bigger.
. . . a Creator beyond compare.

who makes mamas . . .

 and daddies. . . 
out of ordinary people.
and the entire experience becomes extraordinary.

Welcome, little Noah. We're so very glad you are here.
Diane and Grant-We were honored to get to meet your boy and introduce you to our babies.

Thank you.

let's do this y'all . . .



the flirt + the engineer + goodnight moon = love . Yoakum, TX photographer

they were just doing what 18 month olds do, navigating their way with trucks, bubbles, and balls. 
but even then . . .
. . . even in the fun of it all, I got to see such clear glimpses into their later lives . . .

in their mother's own words, 

Blake is the flirt
and Brody, the engineer.
while taking these things in, I couldn't help but wonder two things: 

I wondered if the boys' mama feels time fleeting yet?  or are their diapers, their endless energy, and her constant chasing getting in the way?  or maybe she is "right there" knowing that kindergarten is creeping up way too fast . . . 

can she already see her flirt charming his teacher?
and her little engineer thinking about how to put together an entire community of legos?
I just can't remember when it set in [for me] that babies  really do grow up.

and finally, I wondered as her own mama completely rocked the grandmother role and helped me capture some smiling boys . . . was grandma thinking about her own children?, about their different personalities and their grown up lives? about how they became adults and are in now in charge of other people? does it feel like they were just small children?
here is what I DO know. no growing up blog should be written during the first week that your oldest son goes to kindergarten. note to self. emotions run high.  ; )

tammy, I always love being with your family! may you relish in the day to day, hang on in the fleeting, and stay encouraged when finding the balance!! cheers to the miracle boys once again!

let's do this y'all, 



little [miracle] men.

These two beautiful boys recently celebrated their shared first birthday.

And while there is always joy watching your babies turn one, this family is also still celebrating the miracle of the boys' little lives!  I don't want to get the details wrong so I won't give you exact numbers but...these handsome little men were born extremely premature.  If my memory serves me correctly, they each only weighed around 1.5 lbs [?].  I had the privilege of photographing them last year and featured them here!  

And now?

They're diggin' life--being big boys and all--and I loved watching every second...

[we'll call this next series...faces] See that joy??  LOVE them.

After grandma let me in on the fact that the stairs just might be their most favorite place, we moved the party up here.

And you can believe that the race was on!  

Thank you to one of my favorite families for letting me get close to your little miracles!  

Let's do this y'all, 



check my temperature...

It's official. 

It's the sweetest smell.  You put your face near and can just kind of drink it in-

And no matter how many times you've experienced this, the delicate, "tiny-ness" makes you hold your breath. Phrases starting with, "Oh my gosh, I've forgotten how small..." escape your mouth as you examine fingers, tummies, and toes.

You snuggle that petite bundle in your arms

and marvel at how such a small gift, so fresh from God, can alter two people forever.

Yep, I officially have baby fever.  Or could you tell...

[thank you to the Goode family for sharing precious Haddon!]


Love those babies

I sure love babies.  Had three of my own, back to back to back.  Isn't it stuning how these little tiny creatures affect us in such big, amazing, ways?!